VOLUNTEERING | Every year, 200+ Houston County residents give thousands of hours of their free time to serve the patients and staff of Houston Healthcare as volunteers. They work in almost every area of Houston Healthcare - Warner Robins and Houston Healthcare - Perry, performing tasks like working the information desks, filing records, operating the gift shops, and delivering mail to patient rooms.
Want to become a Volunteer? Download our Volunteer application here.
Each year, money raised through the gift shops and other fundraising activities is donated back to Houston Healthcare - Warner Robins and Houston Healthcare - Perry. These funds are allocated for the purchase of items benefitting patient care and enhancing the overall patient experience at our hospital.
Previous donations include:
Our gifts shops include:
The Gift Connection at Houston Healthcare - Warner Robins
The Pink Bowtique at Houston Healthcare - Perry
The Chaplaincy Program is also coordinated through Houston Healthcare’s Volunteer Services Department. These chaplains give their time and talents to the patients, family members, staff members and physicians of Houston Healthcare - Warner Robins and Houston Healthcare - Perry. To request the chaplain service at Houston Healthcare - Warner Robins, please call (478) 922-4281. For chaplain services at Houston Healthcare - Perry, please call (478) 987-3600.
During the summer months, a group of adolescent volunteers (aged 14+) spend their time learning about different aspects of healthcare by serving as part of Houston Healthcare’s Volunteen Program. Our volunteens serve many hours with healthcare professionals in fields such as information technology (IT), radiology, IV therapy, respiratory, outpatient surgery, and patient transport. Teen volunteers also have the opportunity to learn about the healthcare setting while gaining real-life experience of the different roles that are involved in patient care.
Applicants are interviewed and selected based on their interest in a healthcare field, as well as their willingness to serve at least one 4-hour shift each week during the 6-week program. The majority of our volunteens do their service during the summer months; however, a few continue to serve in a limited capacity during the school year.
“It is true. The number of hours this group contributes is phenomenal. The items they have purchased and donations they have made help make Houston Healthcare stronger. But those pale in comparison to what they do every day—being there every day, the smiles and help they give to our patients and visitors. Our Auxiliary members serve as role models, and we are a better organization for the contributions they make each and every day.”
- Charles Briscoe, President and Chief Executive Officer, Houston Healthcare
Houston Healthcare Volunteer Services - (478) 542-7753
Want to be a Volunteen? Download our Volunteen application here.
The Summer Volunteen Program for 2025 will be accepting applications beginning February 1, 2025. To print and complete an application, please select the Volunteen application link above and follow the instructions on the application. (Application submission deadline: April 1, 2025; Orientation begins: June 9, 2025.)
2025 Houston Healthcare - Warner Robins Auxiliary (Virginia Wetherington)
Scholarship Info and Application
(Deadline to apply is April 1, 2024 at 4 pm)
2025 Houston Healthcare - Perry Auxiliary (Audrey Cason) Scholarship Info
and Application
(Deadline to apply is April 1, 2024 at 4 pm)