Welcoming your newborn to the world is an exciting time for your family, and we understand that there can be many emotions and decisions to make along the way. At Houston Healthcare, we are proud to offer high-quality, individualized maternity care in a family-centered environment. From prenatal care to diagnostic imaging and childbirth, our experienced maternity team has comprehensive services for moms, babies, and families. Our goal is to help you transition from pregnancy to parenthood in a safe, comforting environment.
Delivery and Your Hospital Stay
We focus on maternity care that centers around your family and respects your unique birth preferences.
We have numerous opportunities to learn both before and after your newborn arrives.
Infant Feeding and Lactation Support
Our team is here to support whatever method you choose to feed your new family member.
Special Care Nursery with Level II Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
When infants are born requiring a higher level of care, Houston Healthcare offers specialized care in the Special Care Nursery. Our Level II NICU is a special unit for infants born preterm and with other critical conditions.