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Stroke Care

Think B-E-F-A-S-T in the Event of a Possible Stroke

If you suspect you or someone you know is having or has had a stroke, there is a very short window to reduce the patient’s risk of long-term disability or death. For that reason, you must think “B-E-F-A-S-T” in the aftermath of a stroke. That’s because a stroke cuts off oxygen and blood flow to the brain, and without nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood, brain cells begin to die and the functions they once carried out cannot work anymore.

How Can I Recognize a Stroke?

Learn stroke warning signs and think B-E-F-A-S-T:

  • Balance: Sudden loss of balance or dizziness?
  • Eyes: Loss of vision in one or both eyes?
  • Face: Is the face drooping on one side?
  • Arm: Are the arms weak? Ask the person to hold their arms out at their side and check if one is lower than the other.
  • Speech difficulty: Can the person understand or repeat simple sentences?
  • Time: If one of all of these symptoms is present, call 9-1-1 for immediate transportation to the hospital. Do not drive yourself or someone else to the hospital, as the ambulance technicians can provide crucial, lifesaving treatment en route to the emergency department.

How We Help Stroke Patients

Strokes are serious. They can be permanently disabling, life-changing events that impact not only the patient, but their loved ones, as well. At Houston Healthcare, we strive to include both the patient and their family in education, goal setting, and the discharge planning process. We often prescribe rehabilitation services to patients to cope with physical or cognitive deficits caused by their stroke. Our team will ensure you have the care you need once you are discharged to the appropriate setting so you have the tools you need to succeed.

People who have had a stroke may benefit from rehabilitation services to address the effects of the stroke, such as loss of coordination, sensory loss, weakness, difficulty communicating, and other symptoms. The goal of our treatment team is to help the patient increase their physical and cognitive function and ensure maximum mobility and safety.

The Stroke Program at Houston Healthcare is committed to improving the health and wellness of its patients and community. We strive to provide you and your family with excellent care. To find more information regarding resources, treatment, and recovery of stroke and TIA (transient ischemic attack) click on the link below to view our Stroke Program Guidebook.

Stroke Program Guidebook

Houston Healthcare – Warner Robins is certified as a Primary Stroke Center by DNV Healthcare USA Inc.

Houston Healthcare – Perry is certified as an Acute Stroke Ready facility by DNV Healthcare USA Inc.

Both Houston Healthcare – Warner Robins and Houston Healthcare - Perry are affiliated with the Marcus Stroke Network at Grady Hospital.

Don’t waste a single minute if you think you or someone you know is having a stroke. Call 9-1-1 for transportation to the nearest hospital – do NOT drive yourself or someone else. Life-saving care can be administered in the ambulance on the way to the Emergency Department.

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